Gothic Decorative Matches
Availability: In Stock
Product Description Vita Mia wants to give you a full home decor experience. We are now selling our minimalist black on black and black on wood 4" match stick in glass vials. Make your candle experience...
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Vita Mia wants to give you a full home decor experience. We are now selling our minimalist black on black and black on wood 4" match stick in glass vials. Make your candlexperience unforgettable.

60 Matchsticks per glass vial

60 Matchsticks per glass vial

Glass Vial: Refillable vials that are aesthetic for all homeowners
Clear label: Build on fundamental colors to match any modern home decor
Cork Lid: A lid that is easy to remove

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Please use discretion when lighting matches. Please use cautiously.
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